In two choreographies, young people from the TanzWERKSTATT Cottbus and the fabrik Potsdam explore the theme of the individual body, beauty ideals, expectations, individuality, shame, insecurity and unique abilities. How can we learn to feel enough in a world that constantly expects us to be more? And what does it mean to be enough when the spotlight fades and the masks we wear crumble?
(don't) look!
JugendTanzCompany fabrik Potsdam
Hidden glances, veiled behind invisible masks. Silent judgements that struggle in vain to assert themselves. Deep inside the performers, the desire grows to simply show themselves as they are, while at the same time they feel the shame of revealing themselves completely or not living up to the expectations of others. (don't) look! is about bringing the individuality of each dancer onto the stage. Each with their own insecurities and unique abilities. How can we learn to feel enough in a world that constantly expects us to be more? And what does it mean to be enough when the spotlight fades and the masks we wear crumble?
Young dancers from the TanzWERKSTATT Cottbus
Surrounded by permanent advertising that shows us a certain ideal of beauty, we go through everyday life with the question of how I can face these images without bias. How do I manage to maintain my individuality? The young people have been dealing with these questions for several months and are now showing their choreography "schön...?" for the first time.