Why are we afraid of dragons? Certainly because in Europe the figure of the dragon symbolised negative natural phenomena and evil. In Asia it is quite different. The dragon represents goodness and strength. It is this strength that the dancers from five different Asian countries embody in Eun-Me Ahn's new production. All were born in the Year of the Dragon and represent the digital generation as well as the regional choreographic heritage. The piece transports the audience into a futuristic world where shapes and colours mix, where the mystical is combined with an avant-garde stage design and where dragons are no longer feared.
Eun-Me Ahn (Seoul)
Price info Ticket
Advance sale: 16 - 26 € / red. 8 - 12 € / tanzcard 12 - 20 €
Evening box office: 17 - 27 € / red. 8 -12 € / tanzcard 13 - 21 €
Festivalpass: 85 € / red. 45 € / tanzcard 65 €
Advance tickets (except festival pass) are valid as a ticket for public transportation for one person for the Berlin ABC area (Berlin/Potsdam) two hours before the start of the event and until 3:00 a.m. the following day.
Admission to the shows is only possible in compliance with the applicable distance and hygiene rules and with presentation of a valid vaccination, test or convalescence certificate. Please also note the obligation for contact tracing.
Testzentrum: Testcenter Potsdam Schiffbauergasse - Schnelltest (15minutentest.de)
Choreography and artistic direction: Eun-Me Ahn
Music: Young-Gyu Jang
Costume and set design: Eun-Me Ahn
Lighting: Jinyoung Jang
Video technique: Taesok Lee
Dancers: on stage: Eun-Me Ahn, Kyoungmi Hwang, Hyekyoung Kim, Jeeyeun Kim, Jeongwan Cho, Ohjun Kwon, Jinmin Oh, Soobeom Jang (South Korea).
On screen: Jiwan Jung (South Korea) Akari Takahashi (Japan), Siko Setyanto, Dwi Nusa Aji Winarno (Indonesia), Nur Syahidah Binti Hazmi (Malaisie), Guan Ting Zhou (Taiwan)
Production: Eun-Me Ahn Company, Gadja Productions Coproduction : Yeongdeungpo Cultural Foundation, Busan Cultural Center, Théâtre de la Ville - Paris, Biennale de la Danse de Lyon 2020, Festspielhaus St. Pölten (Austria), Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Les Halles de Schaerbeek, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts - Weiwuying (Taiwan).
With the support of: Arts Council Korea, Indonesian Dance Festival (Indonesia), ASWARA - Akademi Seni Budaya Dan Warisan Kebangsaan (Malaisie), Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse N°1 (Japan).
On tour with the support of KAMS - Center Stage Korea
Eun-Me Ahn is an associate artist of the Théâtre de la Ville - Paris
Thanks to Hans Otto Theater
Duration : 70 minutes