A mobile Arcimboldo head, constructed from used car and spare motorbike parts, rolls onto the stage and disintegrates into its individual parts. Piece by piece, Maren Strack magnetically pulls these parts to her body and transforms into a figure that resembles a hybrid human-machine being. In this shifting heavy metal costume, the movement becomes a recycled junk music performance. Through the dancer's various movements, the magnetic fields influence and change, creating unstable body forms and one second sculptures in constant change. Maren Strack creates a surreal world in which the choreographic and sonic usability of materials is investigated.
Maren Strack (Birkenwerder)
Price info Ticket
Advance booking: 13 € / red. 6 € / tanzcard 10 €
Evening box office: 14 € / red. 8 € / tanzcard 11 €
Festival pass: 85 € / red. 45 € / tanzcard 65 €
Double bill with Aberration on the same day, 20h, fabrik Potsdam:
Advance booking: 20 € / red. 9 € / tanzcard 16 €
Evening box office: 21 € / red. 9 € / tanzcard 17 €
Advance tickets (except festival pass) are valid as a ticket for public transportation for one person for the Berlin ABC area (Berlin/Potsdam) two hours before the start of the event and until 3:00 a.m. the following day.
Admission to the shows is only possible in compliance with the applicable distance and hygiene rules and with presentation of a valid vaccination, test or convalescence certificate (3G). Please also note the obligation for contact tracing.
Testzentrum: Testcenter Potsdam Schiffbauergasse - Schnelltest (15minutentest.de)
Performance and concept: Maren Strack
Artistic director: Johan Lorbeer
Constructions and stage: Peter Friedrich
Control and technology: Lichtblick Bühnentechnik / Finn Haag
Movement coach: Jason Corff
Press and accounting: fabrikpublik, Uta Rügner, Christiane Dramé
Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK - STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative - dance aid programme
Duration: approx. 40 minutes