

Evelyn Leveghi & Franca Formenti (Italien)  

09 Sep 2022 | Festival Kunst und Klima 2022Lecture performance

Food is not scarce, but hunger is still an unsolved problem. FEED.BACK is a participatory performance that addresses the issue of access to food and illustrates what happens when this is not available. Evelyn Leveghi and Franca Formenti are food activists from Italy. With their interventions, they repeatedly focus on food waste along global value chains, on inequality of distribution, on the loss of diversity and declining biodiversity. They create a stomach-like experience of food as part of the global exercise of power.

Participants please come sober - so don't eat anything after 14:00.... We ask for a short registration by email to sabine.chwalisz@fabrikpotsdam.de, as there are only limited places available.

Price info

Participation free of charge.

Participants please come sober - so don't eat anything after 14:00.... Registration by email to sabine.chwalisz@fabrikpotsdam.de, as there are only limited places available.

