
Dance landscape Brandenburg

TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund / Video installations and talks with choreographers from the region  

17 – 18 Mar 2023 | Brandenburg Dance InitiativeParticipatory installation

Talks and video installations on 17 and 18 March will give the public the opportunity to get to know the dance landscape in Brandenburg and its protagonists and to discover a wide variety of works, locations and formats.

The video installation shows works by Laura Gary (Oberkrämer), Golde Grunske (Cottbus), Eva Burghardt, Susanne Soldan and Elma Riza (Werder), Yeri Anarika (Templin) and Martin Stiefermann (Oderbruch), among others.

On Friday and Saturday from 7 to 9 pm there will be moderated talks, so-called TanzTalks. Five protagonists will introduce themselves and give an insight into their work, places and formats.

This will be followed by a party on Friday from 9 pm at the fabrikcafé, to which you are cordially invited.

Guests of the TanzTalk on Friday:

Ludovic Fourest (Potsdam) www.freiluftzimmer.eu
Uli Kaiser (Stolzenhagen) www.ponderosa-dance.de
Eva Burghardt (Werder) www.evaburghardt.com
Grit Maruschke (Neuruppin) www.grittmaruschke.de
Martin Stiefermann (Letschin) www.msschrittmacher.de
Maren Strack (Birkenwerder) www.maren-strack.de

Guests of the TanzTalk on Satursday:

Laura Gary (Oberkrämer) www.lauragary.net
Laura Heinecke (Potsdam/Freiburg) www.lauraheinecke.blogspot.com
Sirko Knüpfer (Potsdam) www.sirkoknuepfer.de
Anja Kozic (Potsdam) www.oxymorondance.de
Yeri Anarika Sanchez (Templin) www.yerianarika.net
Golde Grunske (Cottbus) www.golde-grunske.de

Music by Richard Koch (Werder) and Jan Wanzelius (Oberkrämer) on Friday and Nicolas Schulze (Potsdam), Ralf Grüneberg (Potsdam) and Tobias Grünbaum (Cottbus) on Satursday.


Frank Schmid: independant journalist (rbbKultur), critic, author and moderator
Sabine Chwalisz, Sven Till: artistic directors of fabrik Potsdam

What is the Brandenburg Dance Initiative?

The Brandenburg Dance Initiative is the first network of dance professionals in Brandenburg. The first meeting of the dance initiative will take place in Potsdam from 16 to 18 March 2023. The aim of the meeting is on the one hand to get to know each other, discourse and exchange between the dance actors of Brandenburg, and on the other hand to structure and promote the state.



Price info

Admission free of charge.



The Brandenburg Dance Initiative – TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund, is a project of fabrik Potsdam in cooperation with the Tanzwerkstatt Cottbus and actors from the Brandenburg dance scene, funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture, the state capital city Potsdam and the city of Cottbus.

Photograph: Klänge der Lausitz / tanzkompanie golde g. © Alexander Janetzko