Chance Tanz supports extra-curricular dance projects for children and young people with difficult access to cultural and educational opportunities. The projects are supported by local alliances and led by a team of two, of which at least one professional dance artist is a member.
fabrik Potsdam has been a partner of the Chance Tanz programme since 2013.
Cooperation with the Oberlin School and tanzfähig
I dance to music!
Dancing to music is an evidennce for most people. In this project the music is explored in all its perceptible levels as an inspiration for dance. Children and adolescents with multiple sensory impairments have the opportunity to creatively experience these dimensions and to experience their bodies as instruments in the development of their own movements. The basics of Contemporary Dance create the conditions to improvise with one's own body, to get to know new movements, to play with impulses and to connect music in its complexity with dance.
Teachers: Lola Agostini, Leonie Philipp, Odile Seitz-Walser
Start: 2 September 2019
Duration: until June 2020
Supported by Chance Tanz, a project of "Aktion Tanz - Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft e. V." within the framework of the programme "Kultur macht stark. Alliances for Education" of the German Federal Ministery for Education and Research.