Even though it is an open Wave: Please register so that we can better estimate the number of participants!
The 5 Rhythms are a great tool to arrive at yourself and experience your own inner beauty and strength. Exploring the rhythms creates a wave of energy and unleashes a dynamic force that is alive in everyone. With the "spirit of a beginner", one's own movements and encounters with others are experienced. The "beginner's mind" is free of ideas and expectations towards the body and its need to breathe and move. This allows the dance to become authentic and unique. Work is done alone, in pairs and in groups: dancing, practicing, breathing, playing, exchanging.
Marika Heinemann is an experienced 5 Rhythms teacher. She offers open classes and workshops at various locations in Germany. In addition to her 5 Rhythms training, she is also a trained instructor for curative dance. "Movement is healing" is Marika Heinemann's credo.
Open Wave - the 5 Rhythms
Workshop | with Marika Heinemann
Price info Register
18 € / red. 15 €