

FORTBILDUNG FÜR PÄDAGOG:INNEN | with Odile Seitz, Beate Vanden Branden & Johanna Simon (Berlin/Potsdam)  

29 May 2024 | Potsdamer Tanztage 2024Dance and movement#Tanz aus Brandenburg

This training programme is open to teachers from all kinds of schools and subjects, who are interested in learning about and exploring contemporary dance. In the first part, dancer Odile Seitz creates a space in which dance can be experienced as an artistic practice, and creative ideas for your own lessons can be explored through dance interaction and improvisation. Body awareness and respectful interaction with oneself and others are strengthened. In the afternoon, Beate Vanden Branden (art teacher at Schulzentrum am Stern and teacher trainer for the Brandenburg an der Havel education authority) and Johanna Simon (dance scholar and responsible for dance for young audiences/aesthetic education at fabrik Potsdam) will provide impulses for cooperation between schools and dance institutions.

The training is certified by the Brandenburg an der Havel education authority and can be booked via the tis FortbildungsNetz. For teachers please register here

Price info Register

60 € / red. 50 €
Early Bird (by 30 Apr): 50 € / red. 40 €
